april 2017
Tech Fuel
select business and tech tips
Spring has finally sprung, and thankfully it’s starting to feel that way outside!
Who’s up for a round of golf?

This issue of our newsletter highlights some fun technology articles, and intriguing business tips; I especially like the article on inbound marketing and how effective it can be.  We’re looking to implement an inbound marketing strategy for Tech Fuel, so if you’re as keen as we are, drop me a line and I’ll refer you to some marketing gurus.

Our team values your business and considers that great information should be shared for the benefit of all. So as we find great information, you will be in the know as well.

Enjoy this gorgeous April weather!

Robert Thompson – President
Machines That Can Learn Almost as Fast as a Human
Chelsea Gohd, Futurism
Google has developed a deep learning machine that is capable of learning almost as quickly as a human being.  This artificial intelligence (AI) uses layers of artificial neural networks that simulate brain processes by creating a processing system that can learn by example.  So if one layer identifies a data pattern, that info will be sent to the next layer, and so on, until the machine ‘learns’ something.  While the technology has been available for some time, Google’s efforts have perfected the speed of this process.
Seizure-inducing Tweet Leads to a New Kind of Prosecution
Max Ehrenfreund & Antonio Olivo, Washington Post
A journalist several months ago wrote a story about how he endured an epileptic seizure triggered by seeing flashing lights online.  In response, a reader who didn’t like his coverage recently sent the journalist a flashing image online and is now under arrest for inducing a seizure in the journalist.  Learn more about this case, and the challenges the legal system faces as it decides how to handle new technology.
Making a Perfect Pitch
John Biggs, TechCrunch
Vitaly Golomb, a high-ranking executive with HP, says that while sales pitches require significant practice, there’s no excuse for anyone giving a poor sales pitch.  We highly encourage you to read this interesting article where Golomb does a step-by-step in depth look at how to make a successful sales pitch.
The Exact 3 Words to End an Email With
Roger Dooley, Neuromarketing
A recent email study of 350,000 email threads showed that the response rate to an email is highest when you end the email with some sort of variation of thanks.  In fact, ‘thanks in advance’ got the highest response rate of 65.7%, while emails that closed without that (instead closing with ‘regards’, etc.) only got a response rate of 46%.  Other studies have also found that a warm ‘thank you’ increased the reply rate.  Learn more about these studies, as well as the best way to respond to a thank you.
4 Reasons You Need an Inbound Marketing Strategy
Mohan Kumar, The SMarketers
Rather than traditional outbound sales practices, more companies are now starting to look at inbound marketing, which concentrates on presenting offers and related information to people who are actively looking for the same product/service.  The goal with inbound marketing is to get more qualified leads.  Learn more about inbound marketing, and four benefits from going to this approach.
Surgery Without Humans
Robots performs surgery almost completely without human control
Coding In Virtual Reality
Now software can be written using virtual reality
Next Level Advertising  
Hollywood’s holographic billboards are now a reality
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